Tuesday, 30 July 2019

This post is going to be a little different then normal, usually I would be trying to help with advice and help. This one is going to be what I am going through now.

I thought I had overcome some of my mental health issues a while back, it turns out I haven't. The past few weeks, I have been telling people to talk to each other and to help one another. When it's me who hasn't been speaking, I have spent so much time trying to be positive and help people that I have forgotten to help myself, I have been using it as an excuse. I have now finally spoken out to a couple of people about my Mental Health problems. The hard work of getting better starts today, I have been to the doctor's and I have restarted counselling. 

I wanted to write this because I don't show any emotion at all, I come across a happy and positive person when infact I use that to cover what's really going on. It goes to show that you never know what's going on behind closed doors, I wanted to write this also to encourage people to not hide there emotions and to speak out if you are struggling. You're not alone in this.  

1 comment:

  1. That’s amazing u see it now and that ur seeking the help u need mental health its so much harder for men to express as they have this wall they build up as they think their not a man to crumble they have to always be strong I say it doesn’t make u weak it makes u human also I get lost trying to help others and forget about myself we tend to feel good that we’re helping others till a sharp reminder hits us on the head keep moving forward ur always be stronger than u will ever feel x
